Tuesday May 21, 2019
Everything under the sun with the Geek-Down
Tuesday May 21, 2019
Tuesday May 21, 2019
During a preshow talk with the Geek-Down, the audio was recording so we made it an episode! What is this about? Everything under the sun from Halle Berry's bad performances, Queen, to NSFW Wifi passwords! Also, Old Man Wade finds out what it feels like to record in a real studio! #DammitWade
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Jesus-Timeshare Salesman
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Old Man Wade is joined by the Ned Nurse and his brother Danny (not the Iron Fist) to discuss a bunch of silliness. It starts off with fictional characters they would and wouldn't drink with. After that, it's a lot of Avengers: Endgame talk full of spoilers. They also get into Thor's issues and why this was a long time coming and so much more! #DammitWade
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for articles and old episodes!
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Toxic fans are ruining the things we love
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
The episode starts with Old Man Wade talking about why he prefers Lux seating to regular seating in movie theaters (he's bougie like that). Then, him and Supa Woke Javi discuss an article Old Man wrote about toxic fans. It turns into how WWE fans should be more sympathetic to Sasha Banks' situation and we should know our worth at their jobs. Segment two is all about Marvel Comics' "War of Realms" series by Jason Aaron and more comic book topics. We finish by discussing Tyreek Hill being a piece of poop. #DammitWade
Don't forget to visit Oldmanwade.com for our articles and backlog of episodes!
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Girth was a factor
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Joined by our guest Nina to discuss a variety of topics. We get into why being single isn't the lonely death sentence people think it is. Reasons not to cheat (it's actually simple) and can you love more than one person? Kodak Black and is being young and rich an excuse for bad behavior? For some reason Old Man Wade has a Chris Rock quote for every scenario. ALSO, responses from listeners on why single ins't bad! #DammitWade
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for articles and the podcast back catalog!
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Focus, Iceman! We're fighting Magneto!
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Old Man Wade is joined by the host of the Multiversed podcast Paul to discuss a plethora of comic book topics! We talk about the Joker trailer, whether or not we need a Joker movie, and our favorite Joker portrayals. We then get into comic book companies creating new characters instead of changing old ones, Cyclops being underrated, and so much more! #DammitWade
You can find Multiversed wherever you get your podcasts! I get mine on iTunes.
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for our podcast backlog and fun articles!
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Happy Being Stupid
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
THIRD TIMES THE CHARM (you'll understand when the episode starts)! We get into Kodak Black being trash and ask why are people canceling now after so many prior idiotic moments. That leads into separating the art from the artist. We take a light break to make fun of Lori Loughlin and read Twitter's best comments on the subject. We end the show talking about the importance of Kofi Kingston being champ, Supertstar Billy Graham's comments being super trash, and how wrestling has changed over the years. #DammitWade
Don't for get go to oldmanwade.com for articles and the podcast's backlog!
Friday Apr 12, 2019
It's kinda Mandingoish
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Admittedly, Old Man Wade is a bit drunk on this episode and his slurring makes it obvious. Thankfully, Brandon from the "Why So Serious" and "Comic Book History 101" podcasts was available to carry the show. They get into porn stars, strip clubs, Christianity and how it connects to black people and morality, relationships, and we end with some wrestling talk (this was before WrestleMania and before the prior couple of episodes). #DammitWade
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Gotta give him a hundo
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
We tell two stories about bar fights from two different listeners and one about not getting what you thought from a prostitute in Amsterdam. We also discuss deal breakers in relationships and how personalities go a long way. #DammitWade
Don't forget to check out oldmanwade.com for more episodes and articles!
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Block Party at Old Man Wade's
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
This episode starts off silly, gets serious...then gets weird. We start by making fun of Supa Woke Javi for getting blocked on Facebook. Somehow, it turns into a conversation about how Cardi B was wrong for drugging people and the double standards from people that came with it. THAT turns into a talk about personal accountability. We end the show talking about weird sex fetishes. #DammitWade
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for articles and older episodes!
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
It wasn't Black O'Clock
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Lovell from blaquerabbit.com joins the show to, well, talk a bunch of ****. We start with making fun of Rob Schneider movies which somehow leads to Old Man Wade tells a story about walking in an expensive part of Boston and our favorite and go to porn stars (seems to be a trend). We then get into horror movies and we end by talking about Kofi Kingston winning the WWE title at and Lovell has a great theory on who Kurt Angles last opponent should be. #DammitWade
You can also find Lovell at:
@AboveAverageLLP on twitter
@fab5diddy on instagram
@blaque_rabbit_com on instagram