
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Revenge Bear
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Old Man Wade and the Superior Supa Woke start off with some Fast and Furious talk that leads to a conversation about community and support. Then, it's time for the Boomer Chronicles! One part involves Old Man Wade wanting to fight a bear. The Supa Woke Political Corner consists of what impeachment really means and how this affects the future. The show ends with Chick-fil-A no longer giving money to anti-LGBTQ supporters, not being a jerk while traveling, and the Tesla truck. #DammitWade
Thank you to BattleAxe for the new intro. Don't forget to check out his album "Axeczehma" on all streaming platform.
Also! Go to oldmanwade.com and blaquerabbit.com for articles, podcasts, and more!

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Don't put us in The Vault, Disney Plus
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Old Man Wade and The Superior Supa Woke are back at it! They start off with some Disney Plus and Star Wars talk and that somehow leads to the Boomer Report. It was called Old Man Ranting, but this Boomer is funnier. Later, they discuss Obama's comments on cancel culture and redemption, and end with Kanye West and church. All this and more shenanigans #DammitWade
Don't forget to check out Old Man Wade's other podcast Culture Comic Book News (#CCBN) on iTunes and Spotify and visit oldmanwade.com!

Monday Nov 11, 2019
If You Wanna Smoke Spoon
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Old Man Wade is joined by Juss Greg and Simone to discuss dating. Some of the weird things that go on when you're dating. Like the lengths people go through to find out about someone. We end it with some creepy stories about the things that guys have said on dating apps. #DammitWade
Fun game. Take a drink every time someone brings up Rosa Acosta.
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for articles and more!
There's also Old Man Wade's other podcast Culture Comic Boon News (#CCBN) podcast as well!

Friday Nov 08, 2019
Cuck Angle
Friday Nov 08, 2019
Friday Nov 08, 2019
An episode out of nowhere! Old Man Wade is joined by Robert Wolkenbrod to discuss this wacky NBA season. Dwight Howard is looking good so far and we hope this continues, the Knicks are, well, the Knicks, and Giannis Antetokounmpo may be unstoppable soon. We end it talking about the WWE and Rob has one of the best rants I've ever heard. #DammitWade

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Ladies Lounge: Healing the Backdoor
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
This week, Old Man Wade and Valkyrie are joined by the CEO of PandaCare, Carmen, and the Vynomous one to talk a bunch of ****. Topics range from Tank's comments about oral sex, how your upbringing affected your sex life as an adult, Boston making the word b**** illegal, and whether or not a guy in entitled to sex. #DammitWade

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Martha with the Good Pearls
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Old Man Wade is joined by the incredible Fantastic Frankey to talk about nerd culture. Frankey discusses what got her into nerd culture (it was in her blood), why she created her platform, her standing up against fanboys, and a ton of comic book, anime, and nerd talk (including our love for "Batman and Robin" the movie)! #DammitWade
You can find Frankey at:
Instagram: @FantasticFrankey
Twitter: @FanboyFighter
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for articles and more!

Monday Oct 21, 2019
Learning to be a Furry with Barney
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Ever heard of Joker Culture? Neither have we, but apparently it's a thing and it's stupid. Old Man Wade and Supa Woke Javi discuss Incels being offended by Joker appropriation. We talk about the actor who played Barney the Dinosaur becoming a tantra massage specialist and spiritual healer (Old Man Wade misunderstands what he does and apologizes after he gets it). Kanye West is being Kanye West. We end talking about Pharoahe Monch rereleasing his debut "Internal Affairs". All this and MORE! #DammitWade

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
The Toxic Crusaders
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
After Old Man Wade talks about his fantasy...dreams about Jean-Claude Van Damme and Valkyrie, the panel gets into a serious topic. They discuss toxicity. Not the way you normally think about. It's about how women can be toxic just like men. However, The Superior Supa Woke has an opinion of that. Yes, there are women on this show and yes their opinions are heard. #DammitWade
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for articles and more!

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
That's Really Latino of you
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Old Man Wade and The Superior Supa Woke discuss people dressing like they're going to a night club to drink at a restaurant That somehow leads to appreciating our wives and shouting out our international listeners. Then, the episode was more serious than normal and we were drinking (a lot). Supa Woke discusses the possible impeachment of F-Boy 45 and other political topics. They finish off the show talking about click-hate, letting people grieve how they want, and something Old Man Wade cut out because he was too drunk to have the convo. #DammitWade
Don't forget to visit oldmanwade.com for articles and more!

Saturday Oct 05, 2019
The Fresh Smell of Cinema
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Old Man Wade and the Superior Supa Woke Javi drop an episode out of NOWHERE! Considering the topic of Randy Orton dropping the N-Word is part of the show, the joke works. They also get into a bunch of topics surrounding the Joker movie. #DammitWade
Don't forget to check out oldmanwade.com for articles and more